Soccer – a sport that brings joy to children.
Through training, children can have a balanced growth.
In the process of soccer training, children have the opportunity to learn how to control the body, to make regular exercise a habit, to enhance anti-stress capacity, to balance emotions, to stimulate body growth and to promote the ability to adapt to the living environment.
Through physical exercises, children’s capacity in reading, writing, mathematics, memory, concentration, and coordination can be enhanced, as physical movement can stimulate the nervous reaction, contributing to the left and right brain coordination. Given that the left brain is linked to the learning ability on the right of our body, as shown in mathematics and language skills, while the right brain to the left, as shown in emotion aspects and ability to comprehend. Therefore, with gymnastics training, not only the body flexibility can be exercised, the brain will receive diverse stimulation, that help the children achieve a comprehensive development in physical coordination.
Team activities
To provide children with a wider variety of learning opportunities
Team activities can provide learning opportunities for self-affirmation, sense of belonging, perception skills, values, independence, morality, etc.
Take football training as an example, in the process of the participation, children are involved in continuous trial and experience through every kicking action. The process is similar to adult life experience in society – with the operation of the body; skills are improved from novice to expert. It is indeed a process of psychological self-affirmation. The outcome of sense of belonging, value judgment, independent problem-solving skills, and the development of integrity in compliance with the rules of the game through the participation in team sports activities is a miniature of the process of socialization in human society.